Best Early Learning Center in Dayton

Inspiring Creative Minds Since 1975

A focus on the child as a whole

Inspire Center for Learning focuses on the well-rounded development of your child. Designed to exceed your expectations when looking for care for your child, our learning centers break the mold of traditional daycares. Instead, we think of our learning centers as the first step on a journey to a life-long love of learning.


Inspire Center for Learning develops essential foundational skills through hands-on classroom experiences and small group activities using a research-based curriculum.


Children are encouraged to collaborate and learn with and from their peers, empowering them to engage and grow as a unique member of a supportive community.


Children are challenged to pursue their passions and build their emotional intelligence so that they gain a better understanding of their own emotional reactions to the world around them.


Children learn and engage through creative movement and active learning experiences indoors and outdoors that are designed to support optimal small and large muscle development.

Inspired spaces entice creative minds

Students are surrounded in a beautiful, home-like environment, mimicking the natural elements, colors and surroundings of the real-world. Our classroom settings include natural light, objects from nature and inspiring areas of play that encourage experimentation and hands-on exploration that translates to the natural environments students see in their everyday lives.